Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Beneath the Weave of Time

Amid life's fabric woven with care,

I served and cared; emotions laid bare.

Yet shadows emerge, whispers of disdain,

From those I held close, my efforts in vain.

I gave my all, with intentions so pure,

Yet the perception shifts, motives obscure.

It stings like a wound, a deep-seated pain,

To see bonds, unravel, like tears in the rain.


Misunderstood intentions, a bitter pill to swallow,

In the web of relations, a thread starts to hollow.

I rise with grace, resilient and strong,

For not all value the tune of my song.

I'll carry the scars, but not as a weight,

They're lessons in love, not a twist of fate.

And if someone perceive me through a distorted lens,

 I'll step into the light where authenticity mends.

Yet in their judgment, a clouded affair. 

In this mosaic of life, love remains rare

If judgment distorts, and connections undo,

 I'll walk away, for my worth holds true.


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