Friday, October 11, 2024


 At fourty, the mirror shows a story,

Lines of laughter, hints of worry.
Dreams once vivid, now softly frayed,
A dance with loved ones, feels betrayed.

Chasing youth like a fleeting breeze,
Balancing life on a rope, with ease.
Career paths winding, some lost, some found,
In the chaos of living, what’s truly profound?

The heart holds memories, both bitter and sweet,
Moments of triumph, and times of defeat.
Relations evolving, some drift and some stay,
In the ripples of emotions, we learn how to sway.

Health whispers softly, a reminder to care,
While passions ask, will I get my share?
What once felt so certain, now asks for a pause,
To ponder the purpose, to question the cause.

Yet in these struggles, life does bloom,
In the cracks of our emotions, we learn to water our fumes.
The life’s not perfection, but we get hold of it,
Yes, we cry often in the corner and laugh socially, let's admit?

So, here’s to the journey, with all of its flaws,
To the laughter, the heartaches, the heart breaks life draws.
At fourty, we rise, with a wisdom so rare,
Be it a peer or gear, instead of throwing we tend to repair.

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