Sunday, January 17, 2016

You Are!

Most of the time you'll find me, smiling with pride,
Though, waves of emotions are compiling inside;
I'm the statue, cast out of struggles,
Like from the black cloud, sunshine smuggles.

I'm the winner of a thousand lost battles;
Now which seems to be forgotten prattles;
Eyes full of tears in joy and sorrow,
I always hope for better tomorrow.

I'm a common person, someone among you;
I'm an optimist, existing in old, in young you;
I'm the one who never cheat,
Let others speak about your defeat.

Whats your character, you decide;
You're a motivator, you're a pride;
You'll fail sometimes, like I did;
But standing again, proves that you're not an Outbid. 


  1. But standing again, proves that you're not an Outbid.......smashing..


मुझे कविता लिखना पसंद है… इन्हें कविता पढ़ना बिलकुल पसंद नहीं…. इसलिए अक्सर इनसे नाराज़ होकर इन्हीं की शिकायत… पन्नों में उतार देती हूँ… जान...