Sunday, January 17, 2016

You Are!

Most of the time you'll find me, smiling with pride,
Though, waves of emotions are compiling inside;
I'm the statue, cast out of struggles,
Like from the black cloud, sunshine smuggles.

I'm the winner of a thousand lost battles;
Now which seems to be forgotten prattles;
Eyes full of tears in joy and sorrow,
I always hope for better tomorrow.

I'm a common person, someone among you;
I'm an optimist, existing in old, in young you;
I'm the one who never cheat,
Let others speak about your defeat.

Whats your character, you decide;
You're a motivator, you're a pride;
You'll fail sometimes, like I did;
But standing again, proves that you're not an Outbid. 

Friday, January 8, 2016

An Independent Woman

It was dark really dark,
Still I was focused to reach my mark,
It was raining hard in windy night;
Thanks to God, my Gut feel was right.

I chose my path all my life,
I kept my spirit high every time
No matter I failed or eventually it became a learning;
I kept the balance on straight way and turning.

Alone in the new city, I remained on my own;
Inside there is a spark I had never shown,
On the frozen north sea, I danced and cried loud.
A stance I adore and sometimes proud.

I'm a girly girl, still I chose struggle over luxury,
As attitude matters a lot and gives you victory,
I prefer to wear killer smile over pretty dress,
I'll always remain a pure soul, ll never be fake to impress.

Like every one, I go through the phases good and bad,
But I'm an accomplished dream of my Dad,
As I keep my smile, till the very last moment I can;
Dad says I'm a freshness in the life, I'm a strong independent Woman.

मुझे कविता लिखना पसंद है… इन्हें कविता पढ़ना बिलकुल पसंद नहीं…. इसलिए अक्सर इनसे नाराज़ होकर इन्हीं की शिकायत… पन्नों में उतार देती हूँ… जान...