Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My Beautiful Dream....

He came into my life like a sun,

He wasn’t a bit serious, it was fun.

He had broad shoulders, and broad chest,

He was just amazing not like rest.

When he said "I love you", I felt so bliss,

His voice was so virile, like offering of a kiss.

I don’t know was he a dream or a truth,

But he was like a fountain of youth.

He was little weird, but who does care?

The kind of things he says, who else can dare?

I love his smile, his mesmerizing look,

After all he is, yes he is my duke.

1 comment:

मुझे कविता लिखना पसंद है… इन्हें कविता पढ़ना बिलकुल पसंद नहीं…. इसलिए अक्सर इनसे नाराज़ होकर इन्हीं की शिकायत… पन्नों में उतार देती हूँ… जान...