Monday, September 12, 2016

Being Optimist!

Happy to have you bad times,
Most welcome the sad times,
You made me realize, how important you are;
And I'm dealing with you that shows my power.

The life has no beauty without you,
Bad times, I learnt a lot from you;
You made that distinction between you and joy,
Too much happiness, we cannot enjoy.

The uneven path was my biggest teacher,
I got a sense of direction, towards a bright future.
The lost me and life's active strife;
Can help me finding myself for a new life. 

Either you fully live or just die,
At least don't give up, without giving a try!

Monday, September 5, 2016

I want to Fly!

The freedom I miss, the questions I hate,
I often have to miss, the events I'm keen to participate.
The places I want to explore,
The experiences of mountain and shore,
Why I just can't travel alone on my own,
Switching off my internet and phone.

The deep blue sky,
Asks me why,
Should I have to be imprisoned,
With the questions of what, how and why?
Why can't I have a choice and opinion,
Why do I need a dominion?

I want to fly,
Keeping my values high;
I might fall and would not touch the sky;
At least I'll be free and I'll happily die.

मुझे कविता लिखना पसंद है… इन्हें कविता पढ़ना बिलकुल पसंद नहीं…. इसलिए अक्सर इनसे नाराज़ होकर इन्हीं की शिकायत… पन्नों में उतार देती हूँ… जान...